
An autorefractor is a computer-controlled device utilized in eye examinations to objectively measure a person’s refractive error and determine the prescription for glasses or contact lenses.

Optos Machine

Opto map technology is an eye test machine that provides an anatomically correct image of the retina, capturing a full 200-degree image. Using low-powered laser wavelengths, the scan is able to aid eye care professionals in detecting ocular and systemic diseases using the unparalleled views of the retina.

Low-level Laser Therapy (LLLT)

LLLT is noninvasive, pain-free treatment that uses low-intensity light to stimulate biochemical changes in cells, helping repair tissue and reduce inflammation for the most effective vision eye care. This machine is located in the West Hartford office.


The Pentacam is a non-invasive, high-resolution device for measuring the cornea. It takes detailed images of the eye’s anterior segment, offering precise data on the cornea’s curvature, thickness, and topography. This eye test machine is located only in our West Hartford office.